As our namesake, that’s a given, but being calculated means more than just being deliberate. We take our time, do our research, and never make a move without a plan—because success doesn’t happen when you just wing it.
We could talk for days about our dedication to your business throughout the entire engagement, but we know you’re busy, so we’ll make it short and say it with numbers:
94% of our engagements result in completion
Our attrition rates beat the national average by more than 10%
We’re dedicated to our service after the placement, providing you with additional resources and consultation as needed, we assist in training and are your behind-the-scenes support for ongoing management of talent and projects. Our goal is to help both clients and consultants feel confident, comfortable, and perform at their absolute best. Think of us as your right hand throughout the entire engagement.
There are a lot of companies out there who can help find you talent, but we do more than that, because as much as we’d like everything to work out perfectly, hiccups happen. That’s why we stay with you and your team even after placing talent to ensure everyone is happy, comfortable, and meeting expectations. We don’t disappear if/when things get a little rocky, we strategize on how to make them better and take action.
We’re here for the long haul to answer questions, find additional resources, assist in trainings, help navigate if things get tough, and will always be your go-to for effective, creative solutions.