Environmental, Social, & Corporate Governance (ESG)

Calculated Hire is equipped to support your ESG journey in promoting sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance with subject matter experts (SMEs) dedicated to the continuous improvement of ESG practices. Our strategies evolve alongside our partners as they establish their goals and develop an ESG roadmap. Calculated Hire culture-centric approach focuses on the curation and growth of these efforts customizing solutions specific to each industry.

Marketing & Creative

Accounting, Finance, & Compliance

Research, Insights, & Strategy

Supply Chain & Procurement

Marketing & Creative

Industry reports have revealed that not only are consumers willing to pay a premium for environmentally-friendly products, but also that a majority of consumers desire to buy from eco-conscious brands. Our experts can position your brand to tap into these growing preferences.

Investor Communications

Graphic Design Services

Print Advertising & Publication

Content Writing & Strategy

Press & Public Relations

ESG Awards & Recognition Management

Accounting, Finance, & Compliance

In 2023, California became the first state to introduce sweeping climate and ESG regulations requiring the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and other climate-related financial risks. With similar laws already in place in the EU, and states like New York creating their own legislation, we are entering a new era of ESG compliance. Are you ready to tackle these evolving regulatory challenges?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Compliance

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Accounting

Regulatory Gap Assessment (SEC, CSRD, CA SB 253, SB 261)

Disclosure Alignment of Disclosures with Standards and Frameworks (GRI, IFRS, TCFD)

Climate-Related Financial Risks Management

ESG Center of Excellence (CoE)

Research, Insights, & Strategy

From auditing your enterprise to identify areas of improvement, to road mapping the processes and changes needed to get to a more sustainable future, our analysts can turn ESG data into actionable insights.

Sustainability Research & Analytics

Data Management & Reporting

Program & Project Management

ESG Literacy Training Development

Net Zero Roadmap & Advisory

Environmental, Health, & Safety (EHS) Programs

Supply Chain & Procurement

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Transporation generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. In other words, optimizing and shortening your supply chain can make the biggest impacts on achieving your ESG goals.

Supplier Due Diligence & Risk Assessment (Forced Labor, Environmental Compliance)

Sustainable Facility Consultation

Packaging & Distribution Strategy

ERP/SCM ESG Platform Adoption

Supply Chain & Process Optimization

Scope 3 GHG Emissions Data Collection & Validation Support

Regulatory Gap Assessment (UFLPA, EU Deforestation)

Assistance Where You Need It Most with Calculated Hire's Plan, Build, Run Approach


High-level advisory and roadmapping services


Build an ESG COE, SMEs available based on the established roadmap.


Performance metrics, marketing, milestone creation, employee adoption, ongoing process improvement, and more